All Realtors are NOT created equal. Sometimes I find myself shaking my head wondering how some people actually got a license. One of the things that drives me absolutely insane is when I see listings with horrendous photos. I get it – not all listings are beautiful, but our jobs as Realtors are to find SOMETHING attractive about the home and capture it. Our job is to MARKET the home, right?

Today as I was searching for listings for one of my investor buyers, I came across this beauty. Really? Bars on the window as a first image to display to buyers? Wow. Great marketing, Mr. Realtor.
For a giggle at more bad MLS photos I’ve found over time, have a look at this video I did back when I was still with Keller Williams (I switched over to Smith & Associates last November!)… Bad MLS Photos YouTube Video
So – how do you want your home marketed? Before you hire a Realtor you might ask to see some of their current and past listing photos because, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words. In the case of the photo above – maybe just one word. RUN!
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