As a Realtor, I’m always on the lookout for fabulous deals for my clients, as well as for myself as an investment! If I wasn’t already moving in 16 days (yikes, now I know how panicked my clients feel at moving time!), I’d be checking into this Arthur Rutenberg home that came across my email […]
Mortgage Interest Deduction Could Disappear
During the second half of 2010, there has been talk of proposals to end the mortgage interest deduction, with adversaries stating that its an unfair advantage to homeowners – renters are not given this advantage, and buying a home is a personal choice and the government should not reward people for homeownership. From the homeowner’s […]
Another Homebuyer Tax Credit Coming in 2011?
Our own Senator Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, said recently that money saved by eliminating congressional earmarks should be used for another Homebuyers Tax Credit for another boost in home sales for 2011. 2010’s $8,000 tax credit for qualified first-time homebuyers and a $6,500 credit for repeat homebuyers seemed to help stimulate a lackluster housing market, […]
FORECLOSURE vs SHORT SALE: What’s The Better Deal?
Often times at Jamason & Associates, we hear from buyers “I only want to see short sales and foreclosure homes”. We understand – hey – everyone wants a deal and to save money right? Of course, and we don’t blame you! But before you decide as a buyer to tell your Realtor this, consider a […]
Top 5 Reasons Why Your House Hasn’t Sold
I often hear from frustrated sellers who wonder why their home hasn’t sold yet. In one case, a seller had interviewed myself and another agent and ended up hiring the other agent because her office was slightly closer to the seller’s home and she felt that might be important. After a month, she called me […]
Can You Really Sell for Over Asking Price?
Do you have your house on the market or are you thinking about listing your house for sale? Are you longingly remembering the good old days of 2002 – 2005 when people where listing their homes and receiving multiple offers – many over the asking price? Do you wonder if you should have listed your […]